How to Practice Being Bold.
If fear is holding you back from…
Stepping up into that new role
Making that change or transition
Saying YES to new opportunities
Setting up a coffee with that new connection
Starting that passion project
Making that first move…
Whatever it is that is holding you back from accelerating your potential
You need to look at what you CAN do to give yourself the courage to make those BOLD steps!
Ask yourself the question: “In that moment, could I have been bolder?”
Here are some helpful tips to remember next time you find yourself holding back from fear….
10 Ways To Practice Being BOLD!
Stop hesitating and take action - Is there is something you've been wanting or trying to do? Don't let hesitation rob you of opportunities. Take action and make the first move.
Do the unexpected - Bold people aren't afraid of trying new things. Do something new and unexpected. Yes it might make you feel vulnerable or afraid but the trick is to not give in to those feelings. Instead, accept the newness of the skill and don't be afraid to be yourself.
Be willing to say no - If someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, say “No”. It will invigorate your individuality and help you to feel bold
Pretend you’re already Bold - If you were to switch places with somebody you admire for their assertiveness and boldness, what would they do in your shoes? Who is your bold inspiration, imagine their boldness in your life and drive forward with that embodiment.
Follow through on your plans - When your word is good and you follow through with actions, people will trust you and look upon you as a bold, reliable person. Assert yourself in a way that makes you feel proud.
Take risks and create opportunities - the trick here is to understand and learn about the risks, then decide to go through with the decision anyway and be ready and willing to accept the consequences. If things don't work out that’s ok but knowing that Inaction or hesitation is the bigger risk. Don’t miss out on creating new opportunities for yourself out of fear of taking risks.
Ask questions - There's nothing wrong with admitting that you're confused and want more clarification. If you're unclear about something, be bold and don't be afraid to ask for help it doesn’t matter how senior you are the persistence to find the answers you need is where you practice boldness and your confidence shines.
Accept any outcome - Embrace the failure. Don't worry about rejection. While there's power in taking on something new or trying to get what you want, there's also the chance you may fail. It's not the opposite of success, it's a necessary component. Honestly, without the risk of failure, you don't have the opportunity for success in the first place! Don't let a rejection destroy your self-confidence and ability to be bold.
Ask for what you want - Rather than waiting to be recognised for your efforts, or expecting someone to consider your needs, step up and ask. It's about overcoming your fears and taking action for yourself.
Negotiate - Be bold and negotiate your terms. If the deal is not right for you then be bold to walk away. Be assertive and challenge everything, think for yourself and don’t take things at face value. This in itself will instill you with confidence.
Save these tips and practice them the next time you notice yourself holding back from accelerating your potential.
If you are looking for a space where you can feel supported to move past your personal and professional limitations, Alula Coaching could be what you need so that you can embody your greatest potential.
Contact us for a 30-minute consultation - Be Bold. Be Brave. Take Action.